Monday, November 18, 2013

Dick Hatch '58

I received an email from Larry Beddes '58:

I have some sad news to convey to you. Dick has been diagnosed with acute leukemia and it is terminal. I was told recently by Harvey Young the Dr. informed Dick he would have days and/or weeks/months to live. Dick's daughter lives close by and has been very involved with helping Dick in recent months/years. Harvey and I spoke last night and Dick told him recently that he is content and at ease with the current situation.

Dick doesn't have e mail but his other contact information is:

Dick Hatch
247 E Idaho Springs Drive
Pueblo, CO 81007

Phone: 719/647-9035

Dick passed away last evening at 6:30 with his daughter Nic and Hospice at his bedside.


Judy said...

Dick passed away last evening at 6:30, with his daughter Nic and Hospice at his bedside. RIP, Dick.

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